Friday, November 28, 2008

Faith, Science and Common Sense

A talk by Yusuf Estes
Venue: Menara TM Kerinchi.

Last nite was the last series of Yusuf Estes lecture in Malaysia and it was his first lecture that I’ve attended. Heheh dah last2 baru nk pg…for me it was interesting and yet inspiring talk from him even though I can only focus for 1 ½ hours only (typical me :P)

Take away:
Faith in Islam is Iman, where it cannot be translated to English or Malay. Its what we believe in our life, which is Allah. Science is logic and proof that we dig just to understand and satisfy or quizzical mind and Common sense is all the things that our mind can accept.

He quoted 1 example from the science fact that is not logic, that require us to use our common sense and to belief in Allah and the content of Al-Quran. Science says that we ‘human’ evolve from an ape, (which I definitely not agree). If we use our common sense, this one questions from a kid would have answer and proof that the fact was wrong. “Daddy, if we are from monkey, why we still have monkey today?” haha so right... If the logic doesn’t work why keep it as a fact?? Is it because some people who refuse to belief in Allah need to belief in something… so sad...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's all about Singapore

Underwater world, Sentosa Island

Orchard Road

at Eplanade, was on or way to Clarke Quay

@Bugis St where we 'backpacker' stayed and meet others backpackers.. cheap dohh..just 30 dollar..

Singapore DONE! What's next?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Today as a "pengapit"

10.06 a.m

So hari ni, must be a good day. Sbb Kak shitah kawen and ntah bile ntah diorang appoint aku jd pengapit.. ni first time jd pengapit.. tk pro lg.. tp rasenyer keje pengapit is to kipas2, lap2 make up dia, buang2 bunga rampai mase diorang merenjis.. sounds like simple.. i can do that..hahah. since her theme is dark chocolate, i'm, gonna wear dark choc too..even though pengapit lelaki will b wearing green... we'll c hows it gonna be... cihihi...

10.00 p.m
Update from activity jd pengapit hari tu.. it went well. Alhamdulillah.. I just figure out that the best part was I got to be in the picture and dpt rase lauk2 for pengantin which is sedap.. and since pengantin just ate 4 spoons of nasik, so im the lucky one!! Yeay!! Ikan siakap msk sweet n sour tu safe with me..haha.. ye la, aku pengapit jer and I don’t need to impress other ppl kt meje tu.. so buat ape la nk contrrol2 kan. Mkn je la.asal kan tk bersepah…. I like this new xperience very much..

Monday, November 17, 2008

Today is the first day

Herm... today is the first day of this blog.. ntah mimpi ape tah nk memblog. maybe sbb terpengaruh ngan ata~

Since i have lots of things in my head including all the stressfull thingy... "Today" cud be the best space to lepas geram n to story mori.. i guess..

Hope tomorrow will be better~