Dear maz...hope you may find below email useful :)
When we have beliefs about how hard life is, we may put demands onourselves and others about how life and we "should" be.Can you see how an imposition of perfectionism fosters our unhappy beliefs about ourselves and the world? Of course! Expectingperfection of ourselves and the world inevitably leads todisappointment and pain.When we believe that life is supposed to be "perfect," we eitherpretend that we are perfect or we try to hide that we are not. Andif allelse fails, we simply blame someone (or something) outside ourselvesas the reason we (or life) is not perfect. All of these optionsresult in proof that the world is a hard place to be.When life is not perfect, and it never is, we move into resistanceby complaining, whining, blaming or feeling overwhelmed. Our"perfectionism" ends up fostering a belief that life is hard, andcauses us to spiral even further into a "Victim" mindset.Our escape from Victim-hood happens through a shift in thinking thatcan only come from understanding that the cause of misery andsuffering lies within the mind - not the external circumstances.Our beliefs about ourselves and the world keep us in Victim-hood.Positive ways to view our imperfections:"Perfection is not possible, nor even desirable - only willingnessto learn and do my best.""The lessons learned through this journey we call life are perfectbecause of their imperfections - the most valuable lessons in life
are learned through our "failures".
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Aimi's day out~~
Wednesday without my boss!!! best gilerrrrr ... huhuhu... wehuuu... tk yah pk psl project, pasal deadline, psl boss, psl expectation org, psl boss, psl kerje yg ntah pape, psl boss, psl kpi, psl nk balik pukul brape dan mcm2 psl pet. dh lame tk rase best giler cm ni.. . yes boss, i mention your name several times. but that doesnt mean i adore you. hehe......
aktivity today ialah meronda dgn aimi... Aimi is nani's daughter. 1++ month old. prihatin n risaukan hal dunia (sbb dia asyik kerut kening jer, aku ingt aku lg bnyk risaukan hal2 kerje, rupanya aimi lg dasyat....).tp dia tk meragam. tido jer. ni gmbr aimi.... sempat la belajar cara2 menjaga baby from mak aimi yg ske gune cara2 short cut. contohnyer, klu keluar bwk baju baby yg 1 peace je, senang..n bwk baby wipe je tk yh usah2 nk basuh yak aimi.. bile tolak stroller aimi mula la berangan, klu ada anak nnt nk jd hot mama or mama bergaya. cihihihi....
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