Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 thingy~

Ata.. sy pun nk tulis my 50 things for 2008. haha selalu la terpengaruh ngan ata.

Here are all the significant things happened to me in 2008.

  1. Transfer to new department which I like my new task, SAP thingy but not the environment. Hate the environment.
  2. Trip to Singapore. Fun!
  3. My Ex-bf married to someone that I know. Luckily its not me!
  4. Finally found out that I was right bout him. Trust my instinct.
  5. Suddenly his wife called me. Coz she just found out that, that guy is not worth it. Again luckily it’s not me. Phewww~
  6. Meet someone that have the same dream as me which is to work at oversea. Lets make it work!
  7. Meet someone that I thought gonna be my boyfriend. But not! Haha.
  8. Confessed to someone that I like him. Oppss but sorry not more that confession.
  9. Went out with a few guys, but eventually I realize that I dun like any of them. Hati kayu!
  10. I make up my mind that I’m not gonna do ACCA. Just realize that, I like travel not ACCA. Haha..
  11. Wall climbing. [Checked]!
  12. Friends got married; started with zha, nani, chaon, ain, taufiq, misha engaged, ata with new bf n eni plan to get married nxt year. huhu~
  13. “It’s ok. It doesn’t make you less that a person that you are today” gud advice of the year for me.
  14. Sometimes feel lonely. Especially when all frens have partner.
  15. Still maintain hati kayu. Kaman!
  16. Bought new car. Myvi! Red of course.
  17. Drawn henna to frens who getting married.
  18. Got new roommate. Salfarina by buddy since secondary school.
  19. Kak Hasnih die in accident. Make me realize that life is so short and make me realize that I luv ppl around me. Family and frens.
  20. Nek Lamah meninggal. My late grandma’s sister.
  21. Went to Labuan and meet misha and makan2 together. Best gak nek!
  22. First time buat manicure and pedicure. Kt Singapore lak tu.
  23. Ada bnyk kerje n kpi nk kene meet. Cuak nyer!
  24. First time naik fixed wing to kerteh. Yeay!
  25. This year sekali je pg pantai. Arghhh!!
  26. 2008 is tahun tk de perasaan.
  27. I love my parent, all my brothers and relatives. Of course we do, right?
  28. My best friends and still my best friends; nani, ata, misha, salfarina, huda.
  29. My new friends; ilya, eni, tiah, ain, syaimaa.
  30. Paen said that I’m his bestfriends ever. Wow. Thank you.
  31. Unplanned road trip to Kuala Kangsa to hunt for foods!
  32. Witness the most beautiful nite where moon was smiling, Venus and Jupiter was looking at the world.
  33. Main roller coaster mase weekday time lunch. Mmg mcm nk muntah bile balik opis tu.
  34. I have SLR camera. Excited!
  35. Joined vocal class. Hahha.. half way jer.. tk boleh blah la.
  36. Being put under situation yg buat aku rase serba salah. Many times! Tiring!
  37. Kawen. Kawen. Kawen. Org sume dh suruh kawen! Hadeh.
  38. 2008 Tahun paling bnyk aku bg loan kt orang.. haha.
  39. Score bowling paling tinggi 176 point. Perghhh! Benchmark ngan diri sendiri la pasni.
  40. Salary increase. :D
  41. Petrol price increase, ticket bus pun increase. Petrol price turun, tiket bus tk turun2. Since then tk penah naik bus balik sg.petani!
  42. Rase nk quit kerje and pg oversea. Feel that many times.
  43. Attended wedding at KL tower. That was my first time at KL Tower.
  44. Tgk 8 of my lil cousins bersunat. Really2 tgk. Cuak gak.
  45. First time repeat a song smpi tk henti2. still listening to that song at this moment. “aku dan dirimu by bunga citra lestari & ari lasso” padahal I’m not in luv at all. Haha
  46. Pg kerteh naik fixed wing and balik tumpang a fren from the same flight jugak, sembang mcm2 and dia tumpangkan aku balik dr subang smpi depan rumah, siap drive thru mcD lg.. but I dun even know her name! adeh~
  47. Just realize that career is not my first or second priority.
  48. Close cousin married. Herm.. tk leh demand dh after this.
  49. Had one of the most peaceful mornings at Subang airport. While waiting for my flight, had a breakfast at starbuck, listening to Christmas and new year song at 7 a.m. rase mcm best je time tu.
  50. Just make a New Year resolution for next year. Which is carik bf! Haha..

Hadeh panjang gk list ni. ok la nk gi tgk tv smbil pk mlm ni nk celebrate new year kt mane.


sulalatus-salatin said...

oi hati kayu..hahaha..can't promise that his year gonna be better..but i'll be here for you~~..haha..sume nak kawen aahh pegi aa kawennn hahaha

FyFyMz said...

hahaha... thank you tiah!! bajet sweet la tu tiah :P

sulalatus-salatin said...

aku mmg shhhweetttt hahahah~